Special Iniviation to a One Day Workshop
Theme: Women and Girls Online: Mitigating Risk of Grooming and Abuse
Venue: St Pauls Anglican Church Compound, Ille epo, Ajegunle, Ikorodu, Lagos.
Date: Saturday, 28 February 2015.
Time: 10:00 am

Barr Titi Akosa, Executive Director, Centre for 21st Century Issues;

Mrs Emmanuella Akinola, Director of Media and Publicity, Disability Policy Advocacy Initiative;

Ms. Vweta Chadwick, World Pulse Voices of Our Future Correspondent (2013 – 2015) and Global Programmes Director, ASHA Empowerment and Development Initiative.
Workshop topics:
The exciting world of web 2.0 – Social Networking: Harmful or Helpful?
Safety and Security Online with respect to:
Cyberstalking, Harassment and Cyberbullying;
Sexting and Revenge pornography;
Participants will be introduced to World Pulse Online Community – a global media and communication network devoted to bringing women a global voice by broadcasting and uniting women's voices.
A recent study conducted by the Pew Research Centre reports that 51% of young women (18 -24) have been called offensive names online. The study found that 26% of women report having been stalked online, compared to 7% of men and 25% of women have been sexually harassed compared to 13% of men.
Whilst the Internet has made it possible for like minded girls and women to connect worldwide, the anonymity to criminals and offenders make it a very potent tool in perpetuating violence against women. This trend if unchecked can dissuade many women and girls from taking advantage of the wonderful opportunities that the Internet provides.
Nigerian women and girls have not suffered less. In recent times, video footages and photos of girls and women nude or stripped naked or being stripped publicly naked have gone viral without their consent.
Workshop outcomes:
At the end of the workshop, participants would be empowered with information on how to: (a) browse safe and minimize the risk of falling victim to online predators and abusers; and (b) connect with like-minded women and girls globally in a conducive and mutually stimulating online space.
This workshop is to web active girls and young women between the ages of 18 and 35.